After much anticipation, the Norwalk Planning & Zoning Commission last week released the first draft of the comprehensive revision of its Building Zone Regulations. This initial draft aims to replace Norwalk’s existing zoning regime, which has been in effect since the adoption of zoning in 1929. The release of the draft regulations is the first of several steps in the amendment process, expected to take many months of discussion prior to approval. Carmody is actively monitoring this amendment process.

Among the concepts of the proposed regulations are new zoning districts focused on protecting the City’s history and maritime character, promoting diversified housing types and encouraging walking, biking and transit-oriented uses. The draft regulations will create community-based zoning focused on the physical features of neighborhoods, and are intended to result in more predictable outcomes. Existing classifications of residential and commercial zones will be replaced with new zoning designations along with new height and bulk requirements. The draft regulations have been crafted to align with the goals of the advisory Plan of Conservation and Development and can be found here.

On April 12, 2023, the City will unveil its draft Zoning Map during an online presentation. During this meeting, property owners will have the opportunity ask questions and share comments.

Following the meeting, the draft map will then be posted to the Planning & Zoning Department website, so property owners and others can view the new zoning classifications in conjunction with the newly released zoning regulations. In addition, residents will be able to obtain information on existing and proposed zoning of properties through an interactive map, similar to the map made available to residents during the industrial zones revisions that occurred in 2022.

Later this month, representatives of Town Planning and Urban Design Collaborative and the City’s peer review consultant will occur another informational session on April 25, 2023 at 6 pm.

In upcoming weeks, zoning staff will conduct meetings in the City’s voting districts in conjunction Norwalk Common Council members of these districts to seek community input and reaction to the drafts. Thereafter, meetings with various neighborhood groups will be scheduled to discuss the proposed regulations and map, listen to feedback answer and questions from the public. During this time, the Planning & Zoning Commission will also undertake its own meetings to discuss parts or themes of the proposed regulations.

The citywide rezoning process will culminate with public hearings before the Planning & Zoning Commission on the proposed changes in late spring or early summer.

If you would like to learn more about this process and how it will impact your property and/or development goals, please contact:

This information is for educational purposes only to provide general information and a general understanding of the law. It does not constitute legal advice and does not establish any attorney-client relationship.