New inland wetlands and watercourses regulations are under review by the City of Norwalk, CT Conservation Commission (“Commission”). Of note is that the upland review area measured from the boundary of wetlands would extend one hundred (100’) feet instead of the fifty (50’) feet, as currently set forth in the regulations. With this revision, the upland review area would extend one hundred (100’) from both inland wetlands and watercourses. The result of this change, if adopted, would expand the Commission’s regulatory jurisdiction, review and approval authority over regulated activities on properties in Norwalk which contain inland wetlands and watercourses. Other revisions under consideration include restrictions on the time of year that activities may be conducted, aligning permit expiration timelines to conform to Public Act 12-157 and other revisions.

A public hearing on the proposed regulations is scheduled before the Conservation Commission on June 11, 2024 at 6 pm. If adopted, the regulations would become effective July 1, 2024.

The Conservation Commission, acting in its capacity as the city’s inland wetlands and watercourses agency, is charged with reviewing activity proposed within wetlands and watercourses and within the designated upland review areas that may impact wetlands and watercourses. The type of application that may be required depends upon the activity proposed and other factors set forth in the Commission’s regulations. Established in September 1973, the Commission meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month.

Carmody will continue to monitor this and other land-use developments.

For more information:

Elizabeth A. B. Suchy

This information is for educational purposes only to provide general information and a general understanding of the law. It does not constitute legal advice and does not establish any attorney-client relationship.