At Carmody, we have been monitoring the 2024 Legislative Session which just ended. This year there were an inordinate number of bills proposed to incentivize the construction of housing (particularly low- and middle-income housing) in Connecticut with a number of “big ideas” that grabbed headlines. The most significant of these proposals failed to pass both the House and the Senate, including a bill that would have allowed “as-of-right” conversions of commercial buildings to residential use, and another crafted to incentivize transit-oriented development.

The concepts that did manage to pass both chambers and are now being sent to the Governor are primarily included in Public Act 24-143 which contains the following:

  • Provisions allowing vacant nursing homes to be converted to multi-family housing.
  • Prioritization of surplus state property for use as housing for low- and moderate-income families.
  • Entitling municipalities to freeze property assessments for up to 30 years and to extend the assessment to personal property as well as real property.
  • Requirements that municipalities assess low- and moderate-income housing on the basis of net rental income.
  • Authorization for municipalities to utilize tax increment financing techniques to renovate CGS Section 8-30g housing.
  • Protection on certain vacant lots and subdivision and re-subdivisions against subsequent zone changes.
  • Modifications to the formula for calculating CGS 8-30g moratoriums.

Additionally, Public Act 24-86 addresses the construction of housing for the workforce population (e.g., teachers and police officers) and increases the set-aside requirements.

Carmody’s Real Estate practice group continues to monitor this matter for signature by the Governor.

For further information, please contact:

Meaghan M. Miles

Jason A. Klein

This information is for educational purposes only to provide general information and a general understanding of the law. It does not constitute legal advice and does not establish any attorney-client relationship.